Friday, 19 March 2010

HypER tExt & HyPeR MeDiA

  • Basically the same as regular text which it can be stored, read, searched, or edited
  • Text with pointers to other text
  • The browsers let you deal with the pointers in a transparent way which when select the pointer, and you are presented with the text that is pointed to


  • A superset of hypertext
  • Contain links not only to other pieces of text, but also to other forms of media such as sounds, images, and movies
  • Images themselves can be selected to link to sounds or documents
  • This means that browsers might not display a text file, but might display images or sound or animations
  • Hypermedia simply combines hypertext and multimedia

Till Later,

You’ve Got a Piece O’ Me. .

WeB BrowSeR

Tests find that IE8 is slower than Firefox, Chrome and Opera, and that it uses more system resources. However, this latest version of Internet Explorer comes with excellent features built in, with significant improvements over IE7 – including private browsing, context-sensitive right click, color-coded tabs (with related tabs moved together) and improved security and search features. Each tab operates separately so if a site crashes, only that tab closes. Firefox 3 lacks this feature but can restore tabs after a crash.

Reviews and tests recommend Opera as fast and lean, especially for older or underpowered computers apt to bog down on the resource-hungry Firefox, Chrome or IE7 and IE8 browsers. Despite its small size, Opera beats the other browsers in compliance with web standards, and it builds in loads of convenient features. Opera runs on more operating systems than most browsers, and it excels in synchronization. Reviews also praise its mobile version. If you have a fairly new, powerful computer, however, Firefox 3 is faster and gets top ranking in nearly all comparison reviews

The Google Chrome browser takes a minimalist approach, stripping down to basic browsing with an ultra-simple, intuitive interface. Reviewers find it very fast, with superb search features, private browsing and the best crash protection available. It also makes it possible to use Google desktop applications offline, and users can search the text of pages in the browser's history. The main drawbacks are fairly primitive bookmarking plus the lack of customization.

Firefox remains the top-ranked web browser for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux users. It's by far the most-customizable web browser, with thousands of add-ins available. Reviews say Firefox 3.6  are the best, incorporating other improvements as well. It rival the new Google Chrome for speed, are much faster and use fewer system resources than Internet Explorer 8

Reviews recommend Flock 2 for people who "live on the Web" because it has all the speed, security and options of Firefox 3 but builds in a blog editor, photo-uploader and big sidebar to keep current with social networking friends and RSS feeds. A horizontal photo bar shows thumbnails from photo-sharing sites. For those who love multitasking, this is a great browser choice, but for Windows users who just want fast, simple browsing, reviews recommend the minimalist Google Chrome. 

Till Later,

You’ve Got a Piece O’ Me. .

TeaM pLayER

Good conduct and behaviour 
Good conduct generally means being friendly, respectful of others.


Helpfulness means that if a member is asking a question or need some form of help, one is able to respond and help him/her. Helping someone will not only make him/her grateful for your assistance and you will earn more respect, but also make the forum more attractive in the internet world

Knowledge and Wisdom

If you participate daily in the discussion, you will increase the knowledge and also wisdom. That's because you are learning during the process, and your mind will develop ultimately


You can demonstrate your maturity by learning from how other forummers debate and argue, in a polite way rather than a hostile childish manner. 

For a much simpler explanation, pls click here. Courtesy of Miss Far Away ;-)

Till Later,

You’ve Got a Piece O’ Me. .


What is netiquette?

Well, netiquette is a term derived from the words "Internet Etiquette” or “Network Etiquette" which describes the use of proper manners and behavior online. Internet Etiquette should be used in all areas of electronic means including email, chatting, blogging, forums, message boards, and so on.

bE CoUrTeOuS

Whether a person is sending an email, chatting in a chat room or speaking in a forum, it is important to be courteous and respectful of others online.

UsE eMoTiCoNs

When communicating online, it can be difficult to gauge a writer's emotion. Unless a web camera or microphone is used, the writer's expression or emotion is difficult to determine. By using emoticons, the writer's proper emotion will be conveyed to the reader.

Be SiMpLE & BriEF

It is important to keep messages short, especially when writing an email or typing in a chat room. By using common chat abbreviations or acronyms, not only will the reader appreciate the brevity of the message, it will save the author valuable time typing the message. Remember, keep it short and be brief. 

AVOid ShOutiNG

No matter what forum, writing in all capital letters is consideredSHOUTING and is considered very rude. A word or two in caps is fine, but shouting is not recommended.

LaNguaGe iSsuEs

Improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out or permanently banned from a forum or group. It is also important to remember people from other countries may be participating in the conversation and language barriers may be an issue.


It is important to note, what is posted online today, may come back and haunt the writer tomorrow. That silly or fun photograph posted on a social networking site, may keep that person from getting a job later on. Many colleges and employers are now searching social networking sites prior to hiring.

AVoiD PoStiNg pErsoNaL & pRiVaTe iNfO

Posting private and personal information in the wrong location can have serious consequences. Identity theft is a rapidly growing concern. Divulging too much information could give predators and those with bad intentions valuable information. Be careful where personal information is posted. If private information is posted in a group setting, read the guidelines prior to posting. Children should not post private information online

ObEY CoPyRiGHt LawS 

Obey copyright laws. Don’t steal!


Be patient and helpful with others. Remember, everyone was a newbie once.

Be aWaRe oF cyBeR BuLLyiNg

Cyberbullying is increasing rapidly. Parents should talk honestly and openly to children about the issues of electronic bullying. Studies suggest most children do NOT tell a trusted adult if they are a victim of electronic bullying. If targeted by a cyberbully, do not respond. Keep all ORIGINAL correspondence, with dates and times if possible. If the messages are of a threatening nature or safety is a concern, contact local law enforcement as soon as possible.

By following these simple and straightforward Netiquette guidelines, the online experience will be enjoyable and safe for aLL

Till Later,

You’ve Got a Piece O’ Me. .

SeARcH eNgiNeS

Do you know there are various of OTHER search engines apart from Google?
Here are the examples of search engines that available for general users. .

There you have it fellas. Why don't you give these search engine a try? Who know, it might be compatible and cater to your exact needs. . 

Have Fun  ;-)

Till Later,

You’ve Got a Piece O’ Me. .


E-Learning is a learning process that is facilitated and enhanced by  using digital tools such as CD-ROMs, video conferencing, websites,  e-mail and many more, where the content and instruction is delivered  electronically.
E-learning (or electronic learning or eLearning) is a term that  encompasses all forms of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) or very  specific types of TEL such as online or Web-based learning.  Nevertheless, the term does not have a universally accepted  definition[1] and there are divides in the e-learning industry about  whether a technology-enhanced system can be called e-learning if there  is no set pedagogy as some argue e-learning is: "pedagogy empowered by  digital technology".

The  term e-learning is ambiguous to those outside the e-learning industry,  and even within its diverse disciplines it has different meanings to  different people. For instance, in companies it often refers to the  strategies that use the company network to deliver training courses to  employees and lately in most Universities, e-learning is used to define a  specific mode to attend a course or program of study where the students  rarely or never meet face-to-face, nor access on-campus educational  facilities, because they study online.- From  wikipedia.
To be frank, E-Learning may be considered as a  new field of studies for me as i have never obtain even the basic idea  of e-learning and it outcomes. Internet on the other hand is not a new  thing for me, with the usage of internet as a platform to e-learning i  may not have any problem in comprehending each and every topics proposed  in the completion of the course.   

Till Later,

You’ve Got a Piece O’ Me. .

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